Spir Dynamics 748, 12/14/95; Eph 957; 1 Jn 2:15; 10/11/79 Rom




A.  Definition and Description.

            1. Scar tissue of the soul, also known as hardness of the heart, is the result of prolonged residence and function inside the cosmic system.

            2. There is generally a logical retrogression in which blackout of the soul precedes scar tissue of the soul, or is coterminous with it.

            3. What blackout of the soul is to the left lobe of the soul, scar tissue of the soul is to the right lobe. Blackout of the soul is the believer saying no to doctrine, which opens a vacuum in the left lobe that draws in false concepts. There is a pseudo function of GAP in the cosmic system. Scar tissue of the soul is this false information being processed in the believer’s frame of reference, his norms and standards, vocabulary center, memory center, and is the basis for application to life

.           4. Negative volition, expressed by gate two of cosmic one or gate one of cosmic two, creates the vacuum in the left lobe called MATAIOTES.

            5. Blackout of the soul then spreads like a disease and results in the right lobe malady of scar tissue of the soul. Scar tissue of the soul has a detrimental effect on every part of the soul. The cosmic system always stimulates the emotion.

                        a. Scar tissue of the soul results in loss of perceptive ability in the frame of reference. The believer with scar tissue of the soul can listen to doctrine every day and still react and remain in ignorance.

                        b. In his memory center he forgets what doctrine he learned and cannot apply doctrine. His momentum is stopped.

                        c. In his vocabulary storage all technical language related to perception and application is gradually destroyed.

                        d. In his categorical storage scar tissue of the soul destroys categorical doctrinal understanding, such as the rationales used in the second stage of the faith-rest drill.

                        e. Scar tissue of the soul destroys the norms and standards related to the three categories of truth, thus wiping out the conscience. Loss of norms and standards motivates the believer to function under the plan of Satan.

                        f. In the launching pad scar tissue of the soul destroys all application of doctrine and the modus operandi of impersonal love. Scar tissue of the soul is a guarantee of the destruction of true love. Personal love cannot survive without the integrity of impersonal love.

            6. Scar tissue of the soul is that spiritual malady of involvement in the cosmic system resulting in total loss of momentum, and eventuating in the most awful discipline from God.

            7. The Greek word for hardness of the heart is found in Mk 3:5 and Eph 4:18. The noun is POROSIS and the verb is POROO, which means “to petrify” or “to harden.”


B.  Relation between blackout of the soul and scar tissue of the soul is found in Eph 4:17-18. “Therefore, I communicate this and because of the Lord I insist that you no longer walk as Gentiles walk, in the vacuum of their mind, having become darkened in their way of thinking [blackout of the soul], having been alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the scar tissue of their right lobe.”


C.  The Divine Mandate Regarding Scar Tissue, 1 Jn 2:15. “Stop loving the cosmic system, or anything in the cosmic system. If anyone keeps loving the cosmic system, the love from the Father is not in him.” We only obey this command by residence and function inside the divine dynasphere.



D.  Scar tissue of the soul is the enemy of evangelism, 2 Pet 2:22.

            1. The unbeliever functions inside the cosmic system and hears the Gospel. But eventually he rejects the Gospel like the dog returning to his vomit. This phenomena is the function of scar tissue of the soul.

            2. By the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit, the unbeliever is pulled out of the cosmic system for the moment. They hear the Gospel outside of the cosmic system. If they say “no,” they go back into the cosmic system and the latter stage is worse than the first.

            3. Scar tissue of the soul is what motivated Judas, Mt 27:3-10. After so many chances at salvation, he finally went to the ultimate in arrogance: suicide. The scar tissue of the soul built up in his soul until he expressed it in maximum arrogance.

            4. Blackout of the soul and scar tissue of the soul combine to reject all forms of truth. “Vomit” here includes: socialism, communism, the welfare state, redistribution of wealth, social equality, and being saved by anything except faith in Christ.

            5. Jn 12:40, “He has blinded their eyes [blackout of the soul], He has hardened their right lobe [scar tissue of the soul], lest they should see with their eyes, and perceive by means of their right lobe, and receive conversion, and I restore them [Israel as a client nation].”

            6. 2 Thes 2:10-12, “...and with all deception of maladjustment [rejection of Jesus Christ] for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, so as to be saved. And for this reason, God sends them a deluding influence [blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul], so that they might believe a lie, in order that they might all be condemned who do not believe the truth, but take pleasure in unrighteousness.”


E.  Scar tissue of the soul does not hinder salvation.

            1. This is illustrated by Nebuchadnezzar. He was an unbeliever in the cosmic system and a genius. He became psychotic in the cosmic system. Revolution was the shock which removed him from the cosmic system. It took him seven years to recover the ability to think, Dan 5:20.

            2. Scar tissue of the soul and arrogance caused him to be deposed of his throne. He became a believer and was restored to his throne.

            3. Rom 2:5, “But because of your scar tissue of the soul and unrepentant right lobe, you store up and accumulate wrath for yourself against the day of wrath, even the manifestation of he just judgment of God.”

            4. Nebuchadnezzar was positive at God consciousness which was the key to overcoming scar tissue of the soul for salvation.


F.  A synonym for scar tissue of the soul in the Old Testament is “hardness of neck.” It emphasizes lack of enforced and genuine humility. It emphasizes rejection of authority, 2 Cor 17:14; Neh 9:16; Jer 17:26, 19:15.


G.  Scar tissue of the soul means discipline, loss of blessing and for some believers, the sin unto death.

            1. The Exodus generation.

                        a. Ps 95:8, “Do not harden your right lobes as at Meribah.” Miracles are unimpressive to the person with scar tissue of the soul.

                        b. Ex 17:3, the people complained against Moses because of lack of water. They ignored all the logistical grace provided for them. Those with scar tissue of the soul always distort any manifestation of or blessing from God into some form of the Lie.

                        c. Scar tissue of the soul doesn’t respond to grace, only to discipline.

                        d. Num 13-14, their scar tissue of the soul caused them to weep all night. They only stopped when they heard their discipline: that they would not go into the Land.

                        e. Num 16 is another revolution by this generation.

                        f. 1 Cor 10:5, most of that generation died the sin unto death.

            2. Failure of the last king of Israel, Zedekiah, 2 Chr 36:12-13, “And he did evil in the sight of the Lord; he did not humble himself before the authority of Jeremiah the prophet, who spoke for the Lord. He also revolted against king Nebuchadnezzar, who make him promise in the name of God to be loyal. But he stiffened his neck and hardened his heart against the Lord God of Israel.” The result was the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline to the Jews in 586 BC. Zedekiah was blinded, put in chains and marched to Babylon. Ezek 12:13 was thus fulfilled.

            3. Pharaoh Thutmose III, Rom 9; Ex 9.

                        a. Rom 9:17, “I have caused you to continue in history in order that I might demonstrate My power by means of you, and in order that My person might be proclaimed throughout the entire earth.”

                        b. Pharaoh represented all the power of human rulership, but God demonstrated this did not even compare to His own power. This evangelized the entire world. Josh 2:10-11 tells us that Rahab the prostitute was converted through the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart. Pharaoh set the world record for scar tissue of the soul. Human resistance to the divine will always reveals the power of God, Rom 1:20.

                        c. In the first five plagues Pharaoh hardened his own heart, Ex 7:13. After these, God permitted him to live for the next five plagues. Pharaoh had many opportunities to change his mind, Ex 7:22, 8:15, 32, 9:34-35.

                        d. He said “no” to God five times, a world’s record for scar tissue of the soul. He should have died earlier, after the first five plagues on Egypt, but God extended his life for five more plagues.

                        e. When Scripture says that “God hardened his heart,” it means that God let him live to express his scar tissue of the soul far beyond anyone else had ever done in the past. Ex 9:12-16 says that the last five plagues would include intense anguish to the soul.

                        f. A person can hear and see the truth through miracles, but because of scar tissue of the soul, it makes no impression. The believer in the cosmic system is not impressed with miracles. He is only impressed with the Lie.

                        g. God didn’t coerce Pharaoh’s volition, he was a free agent. His life was extended by divine decree. God uses the wrath of man to praise Him. Pharaoh even acknowledged that he had sinned. He faced the reality because of the pressure, but this did not save him.

                        h. The allegation of supralapsarianism must be rejected. God did not create evil in Pharaoh, but he made his own evil through his volition. God used Pharaoh’s evil to evangelize the world.

                        i. The divine plan in hardening Pharaoh’s heart was threefold.

                                    (1) Liberation of the Jews from slavery, in order to form a client nation to God.

                                    (2) Evangelization of Egypt, Ex 7:3-5.

                                    (3) Evangelization of the world, Ex 9:16.

                        j. Paul compares the Jews of the First Advent and Church Age with Pharaoh, to demonstrate that their negative volition and hardness of heart at the time of our Lord broke Pharaoh’s record, Rom 9-11.

                                    (1) Religious reversionism is locked-in religious degeneracy. This occurs through rejection of Christ as savior resulting in implosion, explosion and reversion.

                                    (2) Blackout of the soul plus scar tissue of the soul is reverse process reversionism, which equals religious degeneracy. Religious degeneracy is always persecuted by political (historical) degeneracy.

                                    (3) Whenever the Jews break Pharaoh’s record for scar tissue of the soul (through rejection of Christ as savior), a holocaust results.

                                    (4) Rom 11:7-12. The Jews were seeking the fulfillment of the unconditional covenant, political deliverance from Rome, but were not seeking salvation. They wanted the crown without the cross, the kingdom of God without faith in Christ. Compassion is the only Christian attitude toward Jewish scar tissue of the soul. The unbelieving Jews have their final holocaust at the Second Advent, the baptism of fire. The Jewish unbeliever has ritual without reality, therefore he cannot see the importance of the cross before the crown.

                        k. The world’s record for scar tissue of the soul is held by the Jews who reject Jesus Christ as savior, Isa 29:9-14, “Be shocked. Be amazed. Blind yourselves [blackout of the soul] and be blind. They are drunk but not with wine [holocaust judgments against Israel]. They stagger but not from strong drink. For the Lord has poured over you a life of deep sleep [scar tissue of the soul]. Regarding the prophets, He has shut your eyes. Regarding the seers, He has covered your head [scar tissue of the soul]. Therefore the entire vision [first advent] shall be to you like words of a closed book [sealed scroll], which when they give it to someone who can read, saying, `Please read this,’ he will say, `I cannot, for it closed.’ [I see the words but I don’t understand.] Then the book will be given to the one who is illiterate, saying, `Please read this.’ But he will reply, `I cannot read it.’ [The prophet is literate and perhaps a believer. The seer is illiterate and perhaps an unbeliever.] Then the Lord said, `Because this people draw near with their month and honor Me with their lips [ritual, the SHEMA], but they remove their hearts far from Me, furthermore their [reverence for Me consists of traditions learned by memorizing them] their worship of Me is made up of rules taught only by men. Therefore behold, I will once again deal graciously with this people, wondrously marvelous [second advent]; But in the meantime the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the intelligence of their intellectuals shall vanish.”

                                    (1) “Shutting the eyes” is a synonym for negative volition to doctrine and a willingness to listen to false doctrine.

                                    (2) “Covering the head” is a reference to scar tissue of the soul.

                                    (3) The Jews drew near to God with their mouths by saying the SHEMA, but the words are meaningless to them. Ritual has no meaning apart from understanding of doctrine.

                                    (4) “Removing their heart far from Me” is scar tissue of the soul.

                                    (5) Scar tissue of the soul worships God by traditions and rules learned from men and passed on to each generation.

                                    (6) Scar tissue of the soul never has a historical future.

                                    (7) Blackout of the soul is the beginning of religious degeneracy. Scar tissue of the soul is the perpetuation of religious degeneracy.


 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
